Sunday, February 13, 2011

Addicted to Free Stuff

If you would have told me six months ago that would become obsessed with watching Craig's list of free give aways, I wouldn't have believed you.
Consignment and free stuff, my latest craze.  We picked up 3 bags of clothes for $10 bucks of baby clothes (75 outfits) worth about an estimated $500 at regular retail price.  My latest is FREE.  I picked up one car load of baby girl clothes and I'm supposed to go back for another van load since what's left won't fit in the car. LOL.
I only stressed about being a good parent but never about how to provide since things always seem to work out the way they're supposed to.  And now, this proves it.


  1. I guess I cant yell at you it is FREE but it is also another 10 loads of laundry for me to wash!!! HAHA

  2. I never say no to a good bag of hand-me-downs!
    AND, all my favorite stuff is second hand! I think when we get older we appreciate things differently for sure! I never thought I'd prefer my stuff to be cheap (or free)!
    We should go yard-saling sometime!
